
Adhesive for wall and partition masonry made of autoclaved cellular concrete, lightweight cellular concrete, LECA blocks, silicate blocks and other wall materials.


“Typhoon Master”

“Typhoon Master”

It is a brand proven by customers. Convenient packing: 1 package of 25 kg per 1 m³ of construction material.

Price per piece

№18, 25 kg

№18М Winter, 25 kg

Upon request

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“Ilmax 2000”

“Ilmax 2000”

It is another brand proven by customers. Convenient packing: 1 package of 25 kg per 1 m³ of construction material.

Price per piece

For blocks, 25 kg

For slabs, 25 kg

Upon request

Make an order


SLS-TAIFUN adhesive composition was created on the basis of Typhoon Master No. 18M specifically for laying walls and partitions from SLS Group aircrete blocks. It can be used for lightweight cellular concrete, LECA blocks, silicate blocks and other wall materials, as well as for filling potholes, chips and cracks in the masonry.

The material is created on the basis of organic compounds, therefore it is environmentally friendly and does not require additional protection measures to work with it. You can buy block adhesive in advance due to the fact that it has practically no shelf life. The use of adhesive is not limited by temperature, therefore construction work can be continued in the autumn-winter period.

Composition: A mixture of cement, polymer bonding material, filler and additives

Shelf life: 12 months from the date of manufacture

Surface preparation:
The surface of the masonry materials must be free of dust, dirt and other substances and substances that impede the adhesion of the material. When working at subzero temperatures, it is necessary to get rid of icing, if any, by heating the surface with subsequent drying.

Preparation method:
Pour cold clean water into a previously prepared container or mixer and pour the adhesive composition in the proportion: 25 kg of adhesive for 4.8 - 5.2 liters of water. Knead the composition until smooth with a basket-type mixer or in a special mixer. The finished composition retains its properties for 30 minutes.

The composition is applied to the clean surface of adjacent, laid blocks using a trowel and spread with a serrated spatula or float. After that, the laid block is tightly pressed against the solution.
It is possible to correct the position of the block within 10-20 minutes.

Approximate consumption of dry mixture per 1 mm of layer thickness is 1.6-1.8 kg/m2. Approximate consumption of dry mixture per 1 m3 of masonry with a joint thickness of 3 mm and a block size of 600x375x250 is 25-28 kg. The actual consumption depends on the quality of the masonry elements, size and the worker’s experience.

A plastic container, an electric drill with a basket-type mixer, a notched float, a steel trowel, a brush for wetting blocks.

Transportation and storage:
The adhesive composition must be transported and stored in the original packaging, in dry conditions.

Security requirement:
- People with skin, eye and respiratory diseases should not be allowed to work on the preparation and use of the composition.
- While working with adhesive, use personal protective equipment for the respiratory system, skin and eyes

  "Typhoon Master" No.18 "Typhoon Master" No.18M
Optimum working temperature of the surface and the environment from +5ºС to +25ºС from -5ºС to +10ºС
Consumption per 1mm of layer thickness 1.8 kg/m²/mm (about 25-28 kg per m³ of blocks) 1.8 kg/m²/mm (about 25-28 kg per m³ of blocks)
Finished composition use time, no more than, min 120 30
Mobility Pk2 Pk2
Adhesion, brand not less than A 1,2 not less than A 1,2
Compressive strength grade not less than М150 not less than М150
Frost resistance, brand not less than F75 not less than F75

Advantages of SLS dry mortars

Environmental friendliness

Environmental friendliness

We use only natural materials in the production of dry mortars, due to which we obtain a clean and environmentally friendly construction material.
Mold protection

Mold protection

The lime contained in the composition of the material scares away rodents, prevents the appearance of mold and fungus.
Frost resistance

Frost resistance

It retains warmth indoors due to the sealing of joints and high frost resistance.


It can be used with various types of wall materials.


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